Working with you in a Coaching Partnership

What Is Executive Coaching?

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.""

International Coaching Federation

Focusing on You

I work with leaders, like you, who want to do great and often challenging things while being true to themselves and attuned to the needs of their organisation.

My coaching approach avoids following a single fixed and rigid methodology – Instead, our work together will blend a number of highly effective coaching approaches, such as ‘Person Centred’, ‘Gestalt’ and ‘Solutions Focus’ with an experienced business leadership perspective. In straightforward terms, this means that I will focus on your needs as a client, your objectives, your awareness (of self, others, and the systems in which you operate), and developing practical solutions that will move you forward.

In a typical coaching engagement, you can expect to have a number of future focused conversations in which we clarify your ambitions and goals, make sense of what’s actually going on, and then determine how to make change happen using the resources available to you.

I will ask you to bring your natural wisdom about your work and life. I will bring my coaching expertise, support and challenge to help you amplify that wisdom – We work together to create the positive change and results that you are seeking.

My Coaching Principles

Through many hours of coaching leaders and studying at an advanced level, I have developed a set of five principles that will underpin my approach to working with you:

1. I will create a safe coaching environment

Candour, openness and trust form the basis of an effective coaching relationship in which you, as my client, can feel supported and be offered constructive challenge as part of working towards growth and change.

2. I believe that people are naturally creative, resourceful and capable of finding solutions

The belief that people are naturally creative, resourceful and capable of finding solutions is the foundation from which I can support them. I will partner with you in a way that seeks to amplify and extend your wisdom, not dictate a solution.

3. I will support your awareness of self, others, and the wider system in which you operate

Building awareness is a key goal of my coaching – it will enable you to make sense of your situation and enables change to happen.

4. I can be most helpful in a coaching relationship by being authentic

I will challenge you to lead authentically and bring forward a more integrated version of yourself to your professional life. It is, therefore, important that I show up in the same way as part of our coaching relationship.

5. I will maintain a focus on your objectives

I can best serve you as a client by supporting you to define the solutions, actions and results that will deliver your objectives once you have left the coaching session. Just having an interesting chat isn’t an acceptable outcome!

“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets